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Enfleurage technique: lilac vs. gardenia

In my time doing enfleurage, I have refined techniques that account for differences among floral species and cultivars. Below is a comparison of lilac vs. gardenia.
- Maximum time left on pommade: 24 hours.
- Goes from a true-to-the-flower aroma to a rotten smell with no in-between odorless state.
- All green parts must be removed, including calyxes.
- Floral charges should be swapped out in their entirety every 24 hours.
- Individual flowers do not need to be checked for signs of mold.
- Flowers are light and do not need to be moved to allow the enfleurage to breathe.
- Enfleurage can be cleaned as needed.
- Collect flowers any time of day.
- Pommade thickness should not exceed 2mm.
- Maximum charges per season with once-blooming plants: 18.
- Maximum time left on pommade: 5-7 days.
- There is a window of little to no fragrance before the scent of rot sets in.
- Calyxes can be left intact and attached to the flowers.
- Floral charges do not need to be swept out in their entirety. Instead, spent flowers should be sorted out and removed each day or two with a two pronged visual and olfactory check.
- Individual flowers need to be checked for signs of mold every 24-48 hours, depending on humidity, ambient temperature, and the density of the flower population on the pommade.
- Flowers are fleshy and need to be moved and repositioned every 24-48 hours to release trapped moisture.
- Enfleurage must be cleaned every 24-48 hours to remove any soft spots and signs of mold or bacteria.
- Collect flowers in the evening (ideal), or the early morning.
- Pommade can be up to 6mm thick.
- Can be charged up to 100 times per season.
To learn more about enfleurage or to purchase, click here.
© 2022, Abby Hinsman for Wild Veil Perfume.