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Lexicon of Smell

It’s well known among people who work in the area of olfaction that the English language is a wasteland when it comes to vocabulary for scent. This is especially painful when it is your job to describe perfume and you have to resort to “smells like” and “has the smell of” over and over. The Lexicon of Smell is an experimental glossary that aims to fill this void with new words for olfactory experience. It offers neologisms to go alongside the more descriptive vignettes of The Language of Smell. New entries will be shown in color until the next update, when they will be changed permanently to black.
abatteath - (noun) the scent of accumulated bloody deaths in one spot, as in an abattoir.
          From abattoir + death.
acloon - (noun) a smooth scent.
adhelue - (noun) the scent of glue.
          From adhesive + glue.
adiposoiter - (noun) a heavy, fatty smell that hangs in the air physically, or seemingly physically; an occurrence of this.
          From adipose + loiter.
adiposoitrous - (adjective) having a heavy, fatty smell that hangs in the air physically, or seemingly physically.
aeolusp - (noun) the scent of a dusty, windy desert.
          From Aeolus + cusp.
aesthiodor - (noun) the scent of an art studio.
          From aesthetic + odor.
agnathajar - (noun) the smell of a fish tank.
          From Agnatha + jar.
algosanostos - (noun) a nostalgic scent.
          From Algos (from Algea [Ancient Greek: Ἄλγεα; singular: Ἄλγος], personification of "pain") + osmḗ (Ancient Greek ὀσμή [osmḗ], "scent, smell, odor, stench, stink, sense of smell,") + nóstos (Ancient Greek νόστος [nóstos], "return, homecoming") + nostalgia.
allamear - (noun) a rich, oily scent.
          From allioli + smear.
anasweyd - (noun) the smell of sweat and sunscreen (reflexive).
          From anatase (mineral source of titanium dioxide) + sweyd (from sweat, from Middle English swete, swet, swate, swote, from Old English swāt, from Proto-Germanic *swait-, *swaitą, from Proto-Indo-European *swoyd- [to sweat], o-grade of *sweyd- [to sweat]).
annalieu - (noun) the jeweled scent of perfectly ripe mango, which is bright orange, milky, with a kief, earth, and patchouli back note and coniferous top notes surrounding fleshy gardenia, strawberry, guava and papaya heart notes.
          From Annona + lieu (French, "length, location, place, spot, stead").
anolfactage - (noun) a pilgrimage away from a scent, the location of a scent, or to avoid (further) encounter with a scent.
          From an- + olfactory + pilgrimage.
anonyride- (noun) the smell of the interior of a rental car.
          From anonymous + ride.
antecedoll - (noun) the smell of an old doll (general).
          From antecedent + doll.
antecedollent - (adjective) smelling of an old doll (general).
antiguossbinet - (noun) the scent of an old cabinet, just opened.
          From antiguos (Spanish, "ancient") + antique + cabinet.
artesiance - (noun) the scent of artesian springs like Silver Springs, Florida.
          From artesian + essence.
asparastem - (noun) a little bit of cooked asparagus smell on the thin stems of Viola odorata.
          From asparagus (borrowed from Medieval Latin asparagus and sparagus, from Ancient Greek ἀσπάραγος [aspáragos], variant of ἀσφάραγος [aspháragos]; displaced Old English eorþnafola, from eorþe [“earth”] +‎ nafola [“navel”]) + stem (from Middle English stem, stemme, stempne, and stevin, from Old English stemn, from Proto-Germanic *stamniz).
aspigilia - (noun) the rotten semen and papaya odor of overripe mangoes.
          From aspic + Gilia (genus).
asterattic - (noun) the smell of an attic (dry, hot).
          From Aster (in reference to the final scene in Hereditary, dir. Ari Aster, 2018), from aster (from Latin aster, from Ancient Greek ἀστήρ [astḗr]; doublet of "star") + attic.
auraroma - (noun) the unique presence or aura of a scent.
          From aura (in the sense of Walter Benjamin) + aroma + roma.
b-rollana - (noun) the nostalgic smell of banana Fruit Roll-Ups.
          From b-roll (supplemental or alternative related footage intercut with the main shot) + Fruit Roll-Ups + banana (from Wolof banaana, from unknown, potentially Arabic بَنَان‎  [banān, “fingertip”]).
bakevil - (noun) a plastic aroma.
          From bakelite + evil.
ballpittescence - (noun) the scent of a ball pit in a fast food playground, which was/is an admixture of fryer grease, stale burger sauce, and children's feet/shoe odors.
          From ball pit + essence + scent.
ballpittescent - (adjective) having the scent of a ball pit in a fast food playground, which was/is an admixture of fryer grease, stale burger sauce, and children's feet/shoe odors.
bananguash - (noun) a banana, mango, guava and cereus cactus flower scent.
          From banana + mango + guava + squash  + cadushi + kayush + saguaro.
basetube - (noun) a basic penile smell (basic on the pH scale); the basic smell of alkaline seminal fluid, which has more of a laboratory test tube gel aroma than basic vagina.
          From base or basic + test tube + lube.
basidiomycetor - (noun) the general aroma of mushrooms and fungi.
          From Basidiomycetes + odor.
beausty - (noun) the scent of sewage.
          From beauty + sty ("pigsty")
béchame - (noun) a creamy savory scent.
          From béchamel.
bellygill - (noun) a wet fish smell, especially that of a powerful, muscular fish like tuna, swordfish or salmon.
          From belly + gill.
berithe - (intransitive and transitive verb) to be aroused by a scent.
          From be + writhe.
berithent - (adjective) aroused by a scent.
bevelotate - (adjective) used to describe when a scent has many distinct facets, like the sides of a gem, that "appear" one or more at a time, but never all at once, and even when they appear simultaneously, they are always clearly defined; (intransitive and transitive verb) to appear in this way.
          From bevel + rotate.
billyguts - (noun) the scent of spring.
          From billy goat + guts.
blankenpast - (noun) the scent of winter.
          From blank + blanc (French, "white") + blanket + past.
bloomotic - (adjective) having a floral scent(s) that evoke(s) erotic responses from mammals, particularly primates. (Contributed by Geoffrey Earendil).
          From bloom + erotic or erotics or erotica.
bloomotica - (noun) floral scent(s) that evoke(s) erotic responses from mammals, particularly primates. (Contributed by Geoffrey Earendil).
bloomoticize - (transitive verb) to eroticize (a) scent.
bloomotics - (noun) an erotics of scent.
blubberine - (noun) a fatty aquatic scent stemming from the blubber of marine mammals, and also found in the flesh of fatty, muscular fish like sea bass and sharks.
          From blubber + marine.
bractula - (noun) a brittle scent.
          From bract + Dracula.
bruisior - (noun) a bruised smell.
          From bruise + odor.
bruisioric - (adjective) having a bruised smell.
bruliose - (noun) a burnt fat aroma.
          From brûlée (French, "burnt") + adipose.
brumber - (noun) a brown amber scent.
          From brown + brun (French, "brown") + amber + umber.
brussitude - (noun) a dry soap aroma.
          From brusque + brush + attitude.
burchalye - (noun) a burning aroma (an aroma that burns inside the nose, like when water travels up your nose).
          Onomatopoeia and from burn + choke + lye.
butteryearn - (noun) the scent of a movie theater.
          From butter or buttery + yearn + earn.
cactusk - (noun) a prickly scent.
          From cactus + tusk.
caranana - (noun) the brown sugar, molasses and jasmine odor of ripe bananas.
          From caramel + banana.
carninox - (noun) the smell of an American fair or carnival at night, which is a combination of warm and cool, human body heat, excitement, popcorn, cotton candy, corn dog, and the wood, metal, and plaster of traveling thrill rides.
          From carnival + noxious.
carromurrh - (noun) the carrot and redhead smell of cinnamon combined with calamus and myrrh. Inspired by the perfume Mariquilla (2021) by Special Man Industries.
          From carrot (from Middle English karette and Middle French carotte, both from Latin carōta, from Ancient Greek καρῶτον [karôton]) + murmur (from Latin murmur [“murmur, humming, muttering, roaring, growling, rushing etc.”], from Proto-Indo-European *mormur-, *mur- [“to mutter”]) + musk (from Middle English muske, borrowed from Old French musc, from Late Latin muscus, from Ancient Greek μόσχος [móskhos], from Middle Persian (mwšk' /mušk/) whence Persian مشک‎ [mošk]; ultimately from Sanskrit मुष्क [muṣka, “testicle”], the shape of the gland of animals secreting the substance being compared to human testicles, a diminutive of मूष् [mūṣ, “mouse”], the shape of human testicles being compared to mice, from Proto-Indo-European *muh₂s [“mouse”]) + myrrh (from Middle English mirre, from Old English myrre, from Latin myrrha, from Ancient Greek μύρρα [múrrha], from Semitic; compare Arabic مُرّ‎ [murr, “myrrh”, literally “bitterness”], Hebrew מור \ מֹר‎ [mōr, “myrrh,” literally “bitterness"]).
catabascend - (intransitive and transitive verb) to ride out the entire arc of a scent.
          From catabasis + ascend.
catabascent - (noun) the riding out of the entire arc of a scent.
          From catabasis + ascent.
cataclay - (noun) a wet clay aroma.
          From catabasis + clay.
catagalact - (noun) the scent of the night sky when it is cloudy (cold).
          From cataract + galactic.
caveroon - (noun) the smell of a hole, especially of a hole that had been closed up for a period of time.
          From cavern + room.
cefalix - (noun) a scent stimulus.
          From cephalon (from Ancient Greek κεφαλή [kephalḗ, “head”]) + helix.
cefalixate - (intransitive and transitive verb) to be stimulated by a scent.
celestiaze - (noun ) the scent of the night sky on a clear, starry night (warm).
          From celestial + gaze.
celestiol - (noun) the scent of the night sky on a clear, starry night (cold).
          From celestial + cold.
cephalout - (intransitive and transitive verb) to think about a scent.
          From cephalo- ("relating to the head or skull") + thought.
cerberphane - (noun) the cool food wrapper aroma of a Las Vegas morning.
          From Cerberus + cellophane.
ceritch - (noun) an itchy scent.
          From cerise ("deep red color") + itch.
charonnate - (intransitive and transitive verb) to narrate with scent.
          From Charon + narrate.
charonnation - (noun) the narration of scent.
          From Charon + narration.
charonnative - (noun) a scent narrative.
          From Charon + narrative.
chellial - (adjective) smelling nutty and chalky/dusty; of a dry scent like the shells of nuts.
          From chalky + shell.
chemoar - (noun) a burnt chemical aroma.
          From chemical + roar.
chlotel - (noun) the smell of hotels with indoor swimming pools (circa 1980-2000).
          From chlorine + hotel.
chthonirooted - (adjective) smelling like subterranean roots.
          From chthonic (from Ancient Greek χθών (khthṓn, “ground, soil”) +‎ -ic)+ root, roots, rooted.
cleekleap - (noun) the scent of garlic sautéing.
          From clove + leek + leap.
cloove - (noun) the scent encountered when picking clods of debris from a horse's hooves.
          From cloven + hooves + clod + cleave.
clotuilline - (noun) the historical smell of government operated guillotines, which must have comprised an odor of freshly sharpened metal, cleaning agents (if any), blood, fear, and abatteath.
          From clot + guillotine.
colonorror - (noun) the haunted, swampy scent of Jamestown, Virginia.
          From colony or colonization + horror.
commiphormatia - (noun) the sharp, fatty escargot and snail shell aroma of certain types of myrrh.
          From Commiphora + pomatia (Helix pomatia).
contigunder - (noun) the general smell of a root cellar.
          From contiguous + under.
cooperra - (noun) the smell of a cellar (cool).
          From cooper + coop or cooped up + terra.
coralime - (noun) a chalky scent; the scent of chalk.
          From coral + lime.
coriacealt - (noun) the leathery, coral, seawater scent of a leatherback sea turtle.
          From coriacea (Latin, "leathery") + coral + salt.
crarcttic - (noun) the smell of an attic (dry, cold).
          From cold + dry + arctic + attic.
cretitude - (noun) a band aid aroma.
          From cravat bandage + stretch + crevice + retch.
cristaguaro - (noun) the scent of a non-dusty desert.
          From cristate + saguaro.
crocine - (adjective) having the pungent, rich orange-yellow aroma of saffron or gardenia.
          From crocin + crocetin.
crumbseam - (noun) the aroma of the steam released when first cutting into the open crumb of a crusty loaf of sourdough, fresh and warm from the oven.
          From crumb + seam + steam.
crushovell - (noun) a dead or decaying crustacean smell, especially when encountered on the beach during or after the heat of the day.
          From crustacean + shell + shovel + crush + vellum ("membrane").
crystalmeat - (noun) the rock candy, tarry, gelatinous, sticky-sweet-crunchy scent of certain cooked meats like barbecue, ribs, etc.
          From crystal + meat.
cumulugalact - (noun) the scent of the night sky when it is cloudy (warm).
          From cumulus + galactic.
custaream - (noun) the creamy, custard scent of some tropical fruit like bananas, mango, and those in the Annona genus such as paw paw, soursop, and custard apple, and of some tropical flowers like ylang ylang (cananga), gardenia, and plumeria (frangipani).
          From custard + cream.
daggeriolet - (noun) the scent of Joshua Tree and Twentynine Palms at night.
          From jaegeriana + violet.
dasppelond - (noun) the scent of a pond, especially in dappled light when the air and water are still and insect activity is high.
          From dapple + wasp + pond.
dégoûtisea - (noun) a rotten fish aroma.
          From dégoût (French, "disgust") + sea.
deniodor - (noun) smell denial; (intransitive and transitive verb) to be in denial of a smell or smells.
          From denial (in the psychoanalytic sense) + odor.
desiccreath - (noun) a dry clay aroma.
          From desiccated + earth.
desitory - (noun) the scent of old toys.
         From Proto-Hellenic δῶρον (dṓron, "gift"), from Proto-Indo-European *déh₃rom ("gift") + history + story.
dewdeath - (noun) the scent of animal death that is indolic and ammonia heavy, maybe smelling of mothballs, pungent and acute, indicating early decomposition.
          From dew + death.
dewore - (noun) the smell when morning dew encounters sunshine.
          From dew + h2éwsōs or Haéusōs (Proto-Indo-European, literally, "the dawn"; Proto-Indo-European dawn goddess) + Aurora.
dharoma - (noun) an inhalation drawn in order to study, perceive, or analyze an aroma.
          From Sanskrit धारणा (dhāraṇā, "collection or concentration of the mind") + aroma.
dharome - (intransitive and transitive verb) to inhale in order to study, perceive, or analyze an aroma.
dheyghom - (noun) the worship of (a) scent.
          From Sanskrit ध्यान (dhyāna, "contemplation, meditation,") + Dʰéǵʰōm (Proto-Indo-European, also ‌‌*dʰg-em, literally, "earth"; Proto-Indo-European goddess of fertility and the earth, associated with the house of death as the final dwelling for mortals).
dheyghome - (transitive verb) to worship a scent.
diamelga - (noun) the gentle diarrhea smell of Cheerios and milk.
          From diarrhea + *h₂melǵ- (Proto-Indo-European, "milk").
diastellar - (adjective) having a starry scent.
          From Ancient Greek Δία or Δῖα (Dia, "heavenly, divine, she who belongs to Zeus") + stellar (borrowed from Latin stēllāris ["of or pertaining to a star; stellar, starry"]).
diastellata - (noun) a starry scent.
          From Ancient Greek Δία or Δῖα (Dia, "heavenly, divine, she who belongs to Zeus") + stēllāta (Latin, nominative feminine singular of stēllātus ["starry, stellate, starred"]).
diodermake - (noun) the smell of dioramas, such as one encounters in natural history museums, in particular, of sculptural fiberglass and resin taxidermy mounted on armatures.
          From diorama + taxidermy + make.
doldeath - (noun) an old death scent (animal): fecal and acrid.
          From doldrums + old + death.
dollioxic - (adjective) having the fragrance of an old doll with human-like hair and blinking eyes.
          From doll + olio (Finnish, "creature, being, thing") + proxy, from proximus (Latin, "proximity, nearest, next, adjoining" from Proto-Indo-European *prokʷism̥mos, from *prokʷe [whence prope]).
dollioxust - (noun) the fragrance of an old doll with human-like hair and blinking eyes.
          From doll + olio (Finnish, "creature, being, thing") + dust + proxy, from proximus (Latin, "proximity, nearest, next, adjoining" from Proto-Indo-European *prokʷism̥mos, from *prokʷe [whence prope]) + spīritus (Latin, “breath, spirit”).
dotabendle - (noun) a leathery, muscular, and aquatic smell characteristic of skates, rays, and sharks.
          From Chordata + dermal denticles + bend + bundle.
drupic - (adjective) smelling of stone fruit, such as açaí, almond, apricot, cashew, cherry, coconut, coffee, damson, date, jujube, nectarine, olive, palms, peach, pistachio, plum, sabal, and white sapote.
          From drupe.
dumor - (noun) the smell of rotten kelp.
          From dyers fucus + móri (Proto-Indo-European, "sea").
dyeunose - (noun) a scent that stuns, incapacitates, or makes the smeller see stars.
          From Dyḗus (learned borrowing from Proto-Indo-European *dyḗws, "the daylight-sky god in PIE mythology"; doublet of Jove and Zeus) + nose.
dyeunostic - (adjective) of a scent that stuns, incapacitates, or makes the smeller see stars.
          From Dyḗus (learned borrowing from Proto-Indo-European *dyḗws, "the daylight-sky god in PIE mythology"; doublet of Jove and Zeus) + nose + gnosis (from Ancient Greek γνῶσις [gnôsis], “knowledge”, "an immanent form of knowledge or transcendent insight, as sought by the Gnostics", "an act or process of knowing", "an altered state of awareness").
echoal - (noun) a reflective or reflexive scent.
          From echo + echolalia.
eereum - (noun) the dark, eerie, and empty scent of an aquarium (museum).
          From eerie + museum.
efflumia - (noun) the fetid scent located in the rubber harnesses and handrails of flume rides at amusement parks, perhaps owing to an accumulation of sweat and skin oils, flume water, rain and the repeated imprinting of fear/excitement.
          From flume + effluvia or effluvium.
empseum - (noun) a general museum scent.
          From empty + museum.
enchatage - (noun) the enfleurage of litter box.
          From enfleurage + chat (French, "cat").
endemiscence - (noun) the particularity, locality, or regionality of a scent.
          From endemic + scent + sense + scene.
endemiscent - (adjective) having the particularity, locality, or regionality of a scent.
          From endemic + scent + sense + scene.
épauloss - (noun) the scent of sunwarmed skin, especially the shoulders (dry).
          From épaule (French, "shoulder") + floss.
escalurd - (noun) the slimy yet rough, sharp, and curly smell of fish scales.
          From escale (Old French, "shell, husk") + curl + derma (From New Latin, from Ancient Greek δέρμα [dérma, “skin, hide”], from δέρω [dérō, “to skin, to flay”], from Proto-Indo-European *der- [“to tear, tear apart”]).
estrotestink - (noun) the hormonal fragrance of an American high school football field surrounded by tailgating cars.
          From estrogen + testosterone + stink + drink + rink.
ethylpuff - (noun) the dry vomit and puffed tongue scent of human absolute, otherwise known as a hangover; (adjective) having this scent.
          From ethyl (alcohol) + puffy.
ethyltriptica - (noun) a fishy, ammoniacal odor characteristic of the heavy, complex scent of triethylamine, semen, hawthorn flowers, the beginning of decay in a human body, and gangrene.
          From ethyl (alcohol) + triethylamine + Clostridium perfringens + ethyl propionate + ethyl pentanoate + ammonia.
exhold - (noun) the cold, dry smell of a city in winter, which foregrounds the scent of automobile exhaust.
          From exhaust + exhale + cold.
exoskaqua - (noun) a shellfish smell (iodine), fresh.
          From exoskeleton + aqua + squalene.
fabrankia - (noun) the scent of an old communal fabric seat, like in commercial airliners and movie theaters.
          From fabric + rank.
fabulora - (noun) a fictitious scent.
          From fabula ("story" in Russian formalism, Russian: фабула [ˈfabʊlə]) + story + aroma.
faucum - (noun) the semen water odor of tap water in Goleta, California.
          From faucet + cum.
fectase- (noun) the scent of human waste mixed with cleaning products.
          From feceate (from feces, from Latin faecēs, nominative plural of faex [“residue, dregs”], from Proto-Italic *faiks, from earlier *fraiks, from Proto-Indo-European *dʰrā́ks [“dregs, sediment”]) + protease.
fecubule - (noun) the Pandora's hotbox that is a container of dog waste; a cylindrical structure you come across in public parks, with or without a lid; in warm weather, it becomes a hub of interspecies activity for flying insects.
          From feculent (from Middle French feculent, from Latin faeculentus, from faex [“residue, dregs”], from Proto-Italic *faiks, from earlier *fraiks, from Proto-Indo-European *dʰrā́ks [“dregs, sediment”]) + vestibule.
ferrust - (noun) a rusty iron scent: one that is ferrous, ferruginous.
          From ferrous + ferruginous + rust.
fictal - (noun) a pickled fruity scent - like gari (pickled ginger).
          From fruit + pickle.
filabloam - (noun) the scent of hair after being outdoors.
          From filament + bloom + roam + loam.
finsigh - (noun) the fishy, wet, and furry scent of a sea lion's yawn.
          From fin + sigh.
fireflish - (adjective) smelling pickled and hot/spicy like kimchi, gari (pickled ginger), and pickled pepperoncini, banana peppers and jalapenos.
          From fiery + flying fish.
fishichrist - (noun) a dead fish aroma.
          From fish + Christ.
flossair - (noun) a scent with sheen.
          From floss + gloss + gossamer + air.
folareeb - (noun) the earthy, sugary, metallic, bitter, and folate scent of cooked beetroot.
          From folate + beetroot.
forgetmerot - (noun) the smell of the slimy stems of blue hyacinth that look like stubble after the flowers have been picked from the stalk.
          From forget-me-not + rot.
frangipanimal - (noun) the balloon of civet underneath the creamy heart notes of some cultivars of plumeria flower.
          From frangipani + animal.
frangipanimalic - (adjective) smelling of the balloon of civet underneath the creamy heart notes of some cultivars of plumeria flower.
          From frangipani + animal.
freegot - (noun) the odor of an old freezer.
          From freezer + naught.
fucusield - (noun) the scent of summer.
          From fucus (genus of brown algae found globally in the intertidal zones of rocky seashores) + field.
fumeana - (noun) an inhalation drawn specifically to appreciate or enjoy an aroma.
          From fume (from Old French fum [“smoke, steam, vapour”], from Latin fūmus [“vapour, smoke”], from Proto-Indo-European *dʰuh₂mós [“smoke”], from *dʰewh₂- [“to smoke, raise dust”]) + dhāraṇā (Sanskrit धारणा ["collection or concentration of the mind"]).
fumelate - (intransitive and transitive verb) to inhale specifically to appreciate or enjoy an aroma.
          From fume (from Old French fum [“smoke, steam, vapour”], from Latin fūmus [“vapour, smoke”], from Proto-Indo-European *dʰuh₂mós [“smoke”], from *dʰewh₂- [“to smoke, raise dust”]) + elate + appreciate.
fumolocate - (intransitive and transitive verb) to locate a scent or the origin of a scent.
          From profumò (Italian, past historic of profumare ["to perfume, to scent, to put scent on"]) + locate.
gasnose - (transitive verb) to tell someone they are smelling things that are not there, when those smells are in fact there, and vice versa.
          From gaslight + nose.
gastropodunctum - (noun) the sharp, pungent, and vaguely anal marine scent of dried seashells that retain remnants of decaying flesh from molluscs, in particular gastropods, and sometimes crustaceans.
          From gastropod + punctum (from Roland Barthes, Camera Lucida, 1980) + rectum.
gelateal - (adjective) smelling congealed, gelatinous, or jellied.
          From gelatin + congeal.
ġelosodar - (noun) a forgotten scent.
           From Old English ġelosod ("lost") + aroma.
gewma - (noun) a gummy aroma.
          From Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰh₂u-mo- + Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰeh₂w- (to gum, from Middle English gome, from Old English gōma [“palate”], from Proto-Germanic *gōmô, *gaumô [“palate”], from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰh₂u-mo-, from Proto-Indo-European *ǵʰeh₂w- [“to gape, yawn”]) + aroma.
gillibergod - (noun) a fried fish aroma; the aroma of fried fish.
          From gill + bhṛg (Sanskrit भृग्, “the crackling of fire”) (to fry, from Middle English frien, borrowed from Old French frire, from Latin frīgō [“to roast, fry”], from Proto-Indo-European *bʰer-; cognate with Ancient Greek φρύγω [phrúgō, “I roast, bake”], Sanskrit भृज्जति [bhṛjjati, “to roast, grill, fry”], भृग् [bhṛg, “the crackling of fire”]) + cod.
gillisool - (noun) the scent of skin after getting out of a swimming pool and beginning to dry in the sun.
          From Gillis (Joe Gillis, played by William Holden, Sunset Boulevard, dir. Billy Wilder, 1950) + pool (swimming pool).
glassiniflesh - (noun) the translucent, watery aroma of some fruit (excluding citrus) such as star apple, starfruit, pitaya, apple, and grapes.
          From glassine or glassy + in + flesh.
glaucax - (noun) a waxy scent; the scent of wax.
          From glaucous ("pale grey, blue or whitish, especially when covered with a powdery or waxy coating, like grape bloom," from the Latin glaucus ["greyish-blue or grey"], from the Greek γλαυκός glaukós ["blue-green, blue-grey"]) + wax.
glitterume - (noun) a sparkling, glittering scent.
          From glitter + illuminate + fume or perfume.
glomerulia - (plural noun) individual instances of the conscious experience of the sense of smell; scent's diverse qualia; the what-it-is-likeness of smelling.
          From glomerulus (a spherical structure located in the olfactory bulb of the brain where synapses form between the terminals of the olfactory nerve and the dendrites of mitral, periglomerular and tufted cells) + qualia (from Latin, neuter of qualis "of what kind"; the internal and subjective component of sense perceptions, arising from stimulation of the senses by phenomena; a quality or property as perceived or experienced by a person).
gloshpat - (noun) the scent of dry watercolor cakes.
          From gouache + galosh + pat.
glowergrub - (noun) the wet roots and undercarriage base note in white butterfly ginger lily flowers (Hedychium coronarium).
          From glow + lower + flower + grub.
gondrill - (noun) a cold beach smell (day, rocky).
          From gone + drill + chill.
gondwamud - (noun) the scent of a muddy road, especially when its earth is breaking up during a spring thaw.
          From Gondwana + mud.
goreair - (noun) the imagined and synaesthetic scent of stylized blood sometimes represented in film, video, television, painting, photography, and other visual media.
          From gore + air + flair (from Middle English flayre, from Old French flair [“scent, odour”], from flairier [“to reek, smell”], from Latin flāgrō, dissimilated variation of frāgrō [“emit a sweet smell”, verb]).
gorgonione - (noun) the scent of coral; a coral scent.
          From gorgonin (a complex protein that makes up the horny skeleton of the holaxonia suborder of gorgonians [Alcyonacea, an order of soft corals: "[i]n addition to the fleshy soft corals, the order Alcyonacea now contains all species previously known as 'gorgonian corals', that produce a more or less hard skeleton, though quite different from 'true' corals (Scleractinia)"]; gorgonin usually contains bromine, iodine, and tyrosine in significant amounts) + iodine + Ione (from Greek mythology [Ancient Greek: Ἰόνη]: Ione was a Nereid, a marine-nymph daughter of Nereus ["Old Man of the Sea"]  and the Oceanid Doris [nymph daughter of Titans Tethys (Titan daughter of Gaia and Uranus) and Oceanus (Titan son of Gaia and Uranus, as well as the husband of Tethys, his sister and also a Titan herself)]).
gossamel - (noun) an ethereal, filmy, gossamer aroma.
          From gossamer + smell.
greevange - (noun) the sharp and oily scent of mayonnaise, also present in peonies.
          From green + vinegar.
grimpotacle - (noun) a cephalopod smell (cuttlefish, nautiloids, octopuses, squids).
          From Grimpoteuthis + tentacle.
grinctuent - (noun) the sharp yet basic smell of anal sphincter grease mixed with semen coming from one's rectum after receiving anal penetration and ejaculation.
          From grease (from Middle English grece [“grease”], from Anglo-Norman grece, from Old French graisse, from Vulgar Latin *grassia, from Latin crassus [“dense, thick, gross, fat, heavy”], from Old Latin cartsus, from Proto-Italic *kartsus, from Proto-Indo-European *kr̥t-sú-s, from *kert- [“to weave, twist together”]) + grind (from Middle English grynden, from Old English grindan, cognate with Dutch grinden [“to grind”, rare] and grind [“gravel, shingle”], from Proto-Germanic *grindaną, from Proto-Indo-European *gʰrendʰ- [“crushing”]; compare Albanian grind [“to brawl, fight”]) + sphincter (borrowed from Late Latin sphinctēr [“the muscle of the anus”], from Ancient Greek σφῐγκτήρ [sphinktḗr, “lace, band; contractile muscle”]; possibly related to sphinx [“the strangler”], from Middle English Spynx, from Latin Sphinx, from Ancient Greek Σφίγξ [Sphínx], perhaps from σφίγγω [sphíngō, “to squeeze, to strangle”] or from Egyptian šzp-ꜥnḫ [“divine image,” literally "living image"]) + unguent (from Latin unguentum [“ointment”], from unguō [“I smear with ointment”], from Proto-Indo-European *h₃engʷ- [“to salve, anoint”]).
guilerom - (noun) the scent made by oak forests in coastal southern California at the blue hour.
          From beguile + roam + Romantic.
gummoid - (adjective) having a puttylike or stretchy aroma.
          From gummy + colloid.
gumstope - (adjective) having the scent of starch based adhesive or gum used to line the flaps of envelopes or previously the backs of stamps, activated by moisture (in practice usually saliva).
          From gum + stamp + envelope.
hagazust - (adjective) smelling like or having the smell of a witch.
          From hagazusa (from Middle English hagge, hegge [“demon, old woman”], shortening of Old English hægtesse, hægtes [“harpy, witch”], from Proto-Germanic *hagatusjō [compare Saterland Frisian Häkse (“witch”), Dutch heks, German Hexe (“witch”)], compounds of [1] *hagaz [“able, skilled”] [compare Old Norse hagr (“handy, skillful”), Middle High German behac (“pleasurable”)], from Proto-Indo-European *ḱak- [compare Sanskrit शक्नोति (śaknóti, “he can") and (2) *tusjǭ (“witch”) (compare dialectal Norwegian tysja [“fairy, she-elf”])]) + gustatory (from Latin gustus [“taste”], from Proto-Italic *gustus, from Proto-Indo-European *ǵéwstus; cognate with gustō).
haimaglobous - (adjective) having an iron blood scent.
          From haemoglobin (from Greek `αἷμα, haîma "blood" + Latin globus "ball, sphere" + -in [/ˈhməˌɡlbɪn, ˈhɛ-, -m-/]) + haîma (Greek `αἷμα, "blood") + globus (Latin, "ball, sphere").
hallucinosmelia - (noun) the condition of smelling things that are not there. (Contributed by Ryan Besler).
          From hallucination + smell + -ia.
hamachousse - (noun) a sushi restaurant smell.
          From hamachi (Japanese ハマチ [hamachi: Japanese amberjack, Pacific yellowtail (Seriola quinqueradiata)]) + house + mousse (French, "foam"; in culinary use, "
a sweet or savory dish made as a smooth light mass with whipped cream and beaten egg white, flavored with chocolate, fish, etc., and typically served chilled")
heffia - (noun) the expansive ammonia scent in your nose after a long session of cardiovascular exercise.
          From heff (English slang, "sigh") + effort + ammonia.
heimmire - (noun) the smell of a cellar (dank).
          From heim (German, "home") or heimlich (German, "secret, clandestine [done or kept in secret]", compare German unheimlich ["uncanny, weird, creepy, eerie"; literally, "un-home-body/corpse"]) + mire ("deep mud; moist, spongy earth"; synonyms: peatland, quag; hypernym: wetland; hyponyms: bog, fen).
hekuterra - (noun) the clay, sawdust, straw, wood shavings, and sweat scent of the base dressings in a horse arena, especially when sunlight is illuminating these particles suspended in the air.
          From Hecuba (mother of Hector) + Hector (son of Hecuba; dragged postmortem by Achilles: after Hector's death, Achilles slit Hector's heels and passed the girdle that Ajax had given Hector through the slits; he fastened the girdle to his chariot and drove his fallen enemy through the dust to the Danaan camp; for the next twelve days, Achilles mistreated Hector's body, yet it remained preserved from all injury by Apollo [in some accounts, the god is Hector's father] and Aphrodite; in Greek, Héktōr is a derivative of the verb ἔχειν ékhein, archaic form *ἕχειν, hékhein ["to have, to hold"], from Proto-Indo-European *seɡ́ʰ- ["to hold"]; Héktōr, or Éktōr as found in Aeolic poetry, is also an epithet of Zeus in his capacity as "he who holds [everything together]"; Hector's name could thus be taken to mean "holding fast") + horse + equus (Latin [“horse"], from Proto-Indo-European *h₁éḱwos [“horse”]) + terra.
henterospirit - (noun) the boozy breath and skin scent of human tincture; the scent of an inebriated human.
          From human + entero (from Latin entero, a combining form meaning “intestine”) + spirit ("soul, liquor").
hindblast - (noun) the gaseous, blast-like scent coming from within toilets that lack the design of modern S shaped plumbing (distinguished from a generic sewage smell which is less windy).
          From hind + blast.
hirsuntle - (noun) a hairy scent, like cooked spinach or the exterior of a coconut.
          From hirsute + mantle (from biology and zoology mantle ["
an outer or enclosing layer of tissue, especially (in mollusks, cirripedes, and brachiopods) a fold of skin enclosing the viscera and secreting the substance that produces the shell"]; also from planetary geology mantle ["
the region of the earth's interior between the crust and the core, believed to consist of hot, dense silicate rocks (mainly peridotite); or a layer inside a planetary body bounded below by a core and above by a crust; mantles are made of rock or ices, and are generally the largest and most massive layer of the planetary body; mantles are characteristic of planetary bodies that have undergone differentiation by density"]
histinap - (noun) the scent of old carpet.
          From history + histamine + nap.
holespike - (noun) the smell of a sea urchin.
          From hole + spike.
holunk - (noun) the rank parmesan aroma of uncleaned piercings.
          From hole + junk + gunk.
homodor - (noun) an object or scent that shares a basic scent with at least one other object or scent.
          From homophone + homonym + odor.
horbuncle - (noun) the coarse, pungent, and crusty fecal stench characteristic of a dead horseshoe crab (water arthropod).
          From horseshoe crab + carbuncle + barnacle.
horizute - (adjective) having the big tumbleweed and horizontal butte smell of striated dusk in southern Colorado.
          From horizontal or horizon + butte.
horizutea - (noun) the big tumbleweed and horizontal butte smell of striated dusk in southern Colorado.
          From horizontal or horizon + butte + plateau.
horniore - (noun) a rugged scent.
          From horn + ore + aura (borrowed from Latin aura [“a breeze, a breath of air, the air”], from Ancient Greek αὔρα [aúra, “breeze, soft wind”], from Proto-Hellenic *auhrā, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂éwsr̥h₂ [“morning air”], from *h₂ews- [“dawn; east”]; from a separate ablaut grade *h₂ewsḗr, the ancestor of ᾱ̓ήρ [āḗr], from ἀήρ [aḗr, “air,”]; perhaps Proto-Hellenic *auhḗr [“morning mist”], from Proto-Indo-European *h₂ewsḗr, from *h₂ews- [“dawn; east”]; cognate with αὔρᾱ [aúrā] [< *h₂éwsreh₂], Latin aurōra: the a was lengthened to ā by compensatory lengthening; perhaps Proto-Hellenic *āwḗr [“morning mist”]).
hygierot - (noun) the odor of rotten gym clothes, which is a combination of cotton, old body odor, fungus and mold.
          From hygiene + rot.
ichthyantle - (noun) a fish shack smell.
          From ichthy- (from Ancient Greek ἰχθύς [ikhthús, “fish”]) + shanty + mantle.
immenace - (noun) a buzzing scent.
          From immanent + thrumming + menace.
inabject - (adjective) having the scent of food mixed with food waste.
          From inject + abject.
inabjection - (noun) the scent of food mixed with food waste.
          From injection + abjection.
incorpodor - (noun) an introjected smell.
          From incorporate + corporeal + odor.
incroil - (noun) a jarring aroma.
          From encroach + roil + recoil.
incrubiation - (noun) a soiled bandage aroma.
          From incrustation + scrub + scab + Rubia.
indoltoroma - (noun) a sluggish smell.
          From indolent + dolt + aroma.
infibluff - (noun) the scent of the bluffs at More Mesa, Santa Barbara, California, which is a mixture of scrub, dust, prickly pear cactus, agave, eucalyptus, oak, and sea breezes.
          From infinite + bluff.
integurise - (noun) the smell of eucalyptus leaves, and dust and sweat on your skin from trail running on Pacific Ocean bluffs when you stop for a breather and a wind picks up.
          From integumentum + rise.
interscent - (adjective) having interscentionality; (adjective) having the inextricable intersectionality of scent (the perceptions of, experiences of, responses to, and behaviors around are worked on by innumerable vectors including culture, technology, temperature, open and closed spaces, politics, society, age, environment, social setting, season, indoctrination, psychology, and on and on); (noun) an example of this. See "interscentionality."
          From intersectionality + scent.
interscention - (noun) an example of interscentionality or the intersectionality of scent. See "interscent."
          From intersectionality + scent.
interscentionality - (noun) similar to a smell habitus, but taking into account the inextricable particularities of environment, ecology, climate, and epoch and their shapings of human practices, experiences, and perceptions of smelling.
          From intersectionality + scent.
interscentual - (adjective) interscent; having interscentionality. See "interscent" and "interscentionality."
          From intersectionality + scent.
investiscentiate - (intransitive and transitive verb) to use scent as an investigative modality.
          From investigate + scent + sensate + sentient.
irrage - (noun) a rough scent.
          From roughage + irate + rage + irritate.
jauble - (noun) a dazzling scent.
          From bauble + jazz.
jellimen - (noun) the fatty semen odor of overripe avocados.
          From jelly + semen.
joviject  - (noun) the ecstatic scent of fresh air upon exiting an airport.
          From jovial (borrowed from French jovial [“jovial, jolly”], from Latin ioviālis [“relating to the Roman god Jupiter”], from Iuppiter, Iovis [“the Roman god Jove or Jupiter”]) + jetliner (borrowed from French jet [“a throw”], from Vulgar Latin jectus ["thrown, hurled, cast, flung"]).
julp - (noun) the cellular, heady and diffusive smell of fresh pressed juice.
          From juice + pulp + gulp.
kaffocka - (noun) the dirty socks fanfare of freshly ground and brewed coffee.
          From Kaffa + sock.
kangarouch - (noun) the scent of the interior of a kangaroo's pouch, which may or may not contain a joey.
          From kangaroo + pouch.
kawonanointment - (noun) a sacred scent.
          From Proto-Trans–New Guinea *k(aw,o)nan ("shadow," "spirit") + anoint + ointment.
krecctica - (noun) a burnt flesh aroma.
          From Proto-Indo-European root *krep- (“body”) + breccia (Italian, "rubble") + rect- ("right").
kumexa - (noun) a bewitching scent.
          From Proto-Trans–New Guinea *kum ("witchcraft") + hex + aroma.
kurattus - (noun) a craving for a scent.
          From Proto-Pama-Nyungan *kuru ("eye") + Proto-Tariku *kuria ("stomach") + Tabriak kurapia ("come") + Tabriak kuria ("go") + Proto-North Halmahera *kurut ("far," "long") + habitus.
kurattuze - (intransitive and transitive verb) to crave a scent.
          From Proto-Pama-Nyungan *kuru ("eye") + Proto-Tariku *kuria ("stomach") + Tabriak kurapia ("come") + Tabriak kuria ("go") + Proto-North Halmahera *kurut ("far," "long") + habitus.
lacquibeau - (noun) a suave scent.
          From lacquer (borrowed from French lacque [a sort of sealing wax], from Portuguese laca, lacca [gum lac], from Persian لاک‎ [lâk], from Hindi लाख [lākh], from Sanskrit लाक्षा [lākṣā, "a species of plant" or "a kind of red dye, lac (obtained from the cochineal or a similar insect as well as from the resin of a particular tree)"]) + beau (borrowed from French beau, from Latin bellus [beautiful”]).
lacquile - (noun) a suave, oily scent.
          From lacquer (borrowed from French lacque [a sort of sealing wax], from Portuguese laca, lacca [gum lac], from Persian لاک‎ [lâk], from Hindi लाख [lākh], from Sanskrit लाक्षा [lākṣā, "a species of plant" or "a kind of red dye, lac (obtained from the cochineal or a similar insect as well as from the resin of a particular tree)"]) + huile (French ["oil, liquid fat"], from Middle French huyle, from Old French oile, from Latin oleum, from olea [olive], from Ancient Greek ἐλαία [elaía, olive]; the h was added in Middle French to indicate that the u was a vowel, as in typography u and v were used interchangeably at the time).
lacquisalt - (noun) a suave, savory scent.
          From lacquer (borrowed from French lacque [a sort of sealing wax], from Portuguese laca, lacca [gum lac], from Persian لاک‎ [lâk], from Hindi लाख [lākh], from Sanskrit लाक्षा [lākṣā, "a species of plant" or "a kind of red dye, lac (obtained from the cochineal or a similar insect as well as from the resin of a particular tree)"]) + salt (from Middle English salt, from Old English sealt, from Proto-West Germanic *salt, from Proto-Germanic *saltą, from Proto-Indo-European *séh₂ls [salt]; doublet of sal, ultimately from Latin sāl [salt], which it superseded as the general term for "salt").
lacquislope - (noun) a suave, rich scent.
          From lacquer (borrowed from French lacque [a sort of sealing wax], from Portuguese laca, lacca [gum lac], from Persian لاک‎ [lâk], from Hindi लाख [lākh], from Sanskrit लाक्षा [lākṣā, "a species of plant" or "a kind of red dye, lac (obtained from the cochineal or a similar insect as well as from the resin of a particular tree)"]) + ski slope (as a metonym for the rich).
lacridoor - (noun) the open scent in your nasal passages and sinus cavities after crying; this phenomenon.
          From lachrymose (borrowed from Latin lacrimōsus, from lacrima [tear] + -osus [-ful], from Old Latin dacrima, from Proto-Indo-European *dakru-, cognate with English tear) + door (from Middle English dore, dor, from Old English duru [door], dor [gate], from Proto-West Germanic *dur, from Proto-Germanic *durz, from Proto-Indo-European *dʰwṓr, from *dʰwer- [doorway, door, gate”]).
lenscent - (noun) the scent of the inside of your nose, which filters everything else that you smell.
          From lens (borrowed from Latin lēns [“lentil”], in Medieval Latin later taking on the sense of "lens", from unknown, likely a borrowing from an unidentified source; compare Old High German linsa, Lithuanian lęšis, Old Church Slavonic лѧща [lęšta], and Albanian lend [Proto-Albanian *lenta], sounding too similar for a coincidence, however different enough to prohibit reconstruction of a common PIE protoform; may also be related to Ancient Greek λάθυρος [láthuros]; if ultimately a non-IE loanword, locating the source is virtually impossible because cultivation of lentil was widespread in the region since the Neolithic) + scent (from c.1400, borrowed from Old French sentir [“to feel, perceive, smell”], from Old French sentire ["to feel, perceive, sense"], from Latin sentīre, present active infinitive of sentiō; ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *sent- [“to feel”], and thus related to Dutch zin [“sense, meaning”], German Sinn [“sense”], Low German Sinn [“sense”], Luxembourgish Sënn [“sense, perception”], Saterland Frisian Sin [“sense”], West Frisian sin [“sense”]; the -c- appeared in the 17th century, possibly by influence of ascent, descent, etc., or by influence of science).
levicensce - (noun) an aroma with levity in a metaphysical or spiritual sense.
          From levitate + incense + sense.
limacane - (noun) the lime-sugar-frost aroma of Froot Loops.
          From lime + cane (as, "sugarcane").
linearden - (noun) the scent of a dryer running outside near fragrant plants.
          From line (as, "line dry") + garden.
lopsem - (noun) the heavy and rotund aroma of fully ripe lemons on a tree at the end of a hot day.
          From lopsided + flop + slope (transposition of) + lop + lemons.
lorrow - (noun) a haunted, sorrowful scent.
          From longing + sorrow.
losodar - (noun) a lost scent. See "ġelosodar" and "relosodar."
          From lost + Old English ġelosod ("lost") + aroma.
luchish - (noun) a creamy chowder smell.
          From lunch + fish.
lustashell - (noun) a crustacean smell (cooked or fresh).
          From lust + crustacean + shell.
magicrypsis - (noun) the scent made at the blue hour by oak and Spanish moss forests in the American southeast, usually accompanied by the final sounds of cicadas.
manatush - (adjective) smelling rubbery, leathery, aquatic and earthy, like a manatee.
marimeal - (noun) a corn smell that is mealy, characteristic of polenta and cornbread.
marroth - (noun) a stifling, sticky and suffusive aroma that is savory, sweet and rank but not meaty, as in cooked marrow, cooked bones, gelatin, or cooked connective tissues, or in bone broth.
maruava - (noun) the fresh fruit and musk, with a transitory whiff of patchouli and armpit cloud, shared by the fragrant exterior of a ripe guava and trichomes on both dominican sage (Salvia dominica) and pitcher sage (Salvia spathacea).
marywhet - (noun) the dispersive and diffusive dried saliva and anal fluid scent of bone meal.
          From mary (Middle English mary, marow, marwe, marowȝ ["the fatty, semi-solid tissue found within spongy portions of bones, i.e., marrow"], from Old English mearg, from Proto-Germanic *mazgą, *mazgaz, from Proto-Indo-European *mosgʰos ["marrow," "brain"], possibly continues earlier *most-gʰ-os, perhaps compare Sanskrit मस्तृहन् [mastṛhan, brain], Tocharian B mrestīwe [marrow”], from *móst-r̥ ~ *mést-n̥s) + whet ("to stimulate or make more keen," "to stimulate one's appetite or desire," "to hone or rub on with some substance, as a piece of stone, for the purpose of sharpening," from Middle English whetten, from Old English hwettan [to whet, sharpen, incite, encourage], from Proto-West Germanic *hwattjan, from Proto-Germanic *hwatjaną [to incite, sharpen], from Proto-Indo-European *kʷeh₁d- [sharp”]).
mealuit - (noun) a mealy fruit odor as in certain oranges, pears, and apples, for example.
meash - (noun) a fleshy, meaty aroma.
melgic - (adjective) having a baked dessert scent of eggs and lemon, characteristic of lemon curd and lemon bars; having a baked lemon custard aroma.
mellilure - (noun) a seductive scent.
memorume - (noun) the experience of a scent triggering a memory; (noun) a scent that triggers a memory; (intransitive and transitive verb) to trigger a memory with scent.
mertor - (noun) the scent of a harbor.
mewmana - (noun) the scent of mud.
milmyjam - (noun) the odoriferous toe jam of dog musk. (Contributed by Jes Pompei).
mimodor - (noun) an odor that is mimetic or illusionistic; odor mimesis; an instance of this.
mimodoric - (adjective) used to describe mimetic smells, odors, and aromas; having mimodor.
mimodorography - (noun) the writing of or about mimodor (odor mimesis).
mimodorology - (noun) the study of odor mimesis (mimodor). See "mimodor."
miragoir - (noun) an imagined scent.
mirorage - (noun) the acrid, necrotic, harsh, raw and aggressively fecal scent of a male elephant seal (bull).
mirry - (adjective) smelling pungent, eye watering, furry, warm, and of ammonia and nitrogen. Like the aroma one experiences on a sunny, hot spring day, walking past landscaping freshly dressed with manure.
mollongue - (noun) a mollusk aroma.
moolipie - (noun) a sweet scent.
moriume - (noun) the odor of brackish water, as encountered in estuaries, mangrove swamps (mangals), marshes, lagoons, and deltas.
motapume - (noun) the gassy, fetid odor of overripe tomatoes.
mulgemilk - (noun) the invasive, saturating scent of stewed or braised meat.
munchank - (noun) a factitious scent.
mundutinct - (adjective) extinct (of a scent).
mundutincta - (noun) an extinct scent.
musarub - (noun) the rubbery banana scent shared by the various fruits and flowers of the Annonaceae family, as well as hyacinth flowers.
          From Musa (from Musa [the genus that includes bananas], from Medieval Latin mūsa ["banana"]) + rubber (rubber tree).
myrrhosa - (noun) a myrrh and rose scent, characteristic of certain rose cultivars and species.
mystarome - (noun) an unidentified scent.
nasilter - (noun) the scent of everything when filtered through the lens of your nostrils, nasal passages, and sinus cavities.
          From nasal (from Middle English, borrowed from Medieval Latin nāsālis [clipping of mūsculus nāsālis (“nasal muscle”)], from nāsus [“the nose; the nozzle or spout”], ultimately from Proto-Indo-European *néh₂s- ["nose"], +‎ -ālis [“-al”, adjectival suffix]; doublet of nasalis) + filter (from Middle English filtre, from Medieval Latin filtrum [compare also Old French feutre (“felt; filter”)], from Frankish *filtir, from Proto-West Germanic *felt, from Proto-Indo-European *peld- [“something beaten or compressed; felt”], from *pel- [“to beat; push; move; drive," also "to cover, to wrap," and "skin, hide, cloth"]).
nasuary - (noun) a reliquary for scent(s).
nasulic - (noun) a scent relic.
nausme - (noun) a nauseating aroma.
neapiscull - (noun) a fresh fish smell.
nereocyrest - (noun) the smell of fresh kelp.
nextlāhuallice - (noun) a scent sacrificed, or, a scent sacrifice.
noctowheel - (noun) the electric smell of an amusement park at night.
nocturnilica - (noun) a cold beach smell (night, sand).
numisquama - (noun) a greasy metallic scent that is a mix of coins (metal) and desquamation of the epidermis (skin cells, oils).
oakananghy - (noun) the hot banana odor shared by hyacinth, paint thinner, wood varnish, oak barrels, nail polish remover, and the yellow flowers of Cananga odorata.
          From oak (from Middle English ook, oke, aik, ake, from Old English āc [also as Old English ǣċ], from Proto-Germanic *aiks, from Proto-Indo-European *h₂eyǵ- [“oak”]) + Cananga (a small genus of trees in the family Annonaceae native to Indo-China and Malesia) + banana (from Wolof banaana, from unknown, potentially Arabic بَنَان‎  [banān, “fingertip”]) + hyacinth (from Middle English jacinth, partly from Old French jacincte, from Medieval Latin jacintus, and partly from Old English iacinþ, from Medieval Latin jacinthus, both from Latin hyacinthus, from Ancient Greek ὑάκινθος [huákinthos, “any of several dark blue flowers”], ultimately from a non-Indo-European Mediterranean language; re-Latinized in the 16th century).
oceantack - (noun) the dusty, salty and intimate smell of sticky, dry and powdery skin and hair after being at the beach, exposed to salty air, or having walked or laid on the sand.
odewkist - (noun) the smell of an old toy box.
odewkistic - (adjective) having the smell of an old toy box.
odorense - (adjective) having a dense aroma.
olfactage - (noun) a pilgrimage toward or to a scent, the location of a scent, or to encounter scent.
omophagiodor - (intransitive and transitive verb) to desire to eat an odor.
omophagiodore - (noun) the desire to eat an odor.
omophagodor - (transitive verb) to eat an odor.
omophagodore - (noun) the eating of an odor.
ongerill - (noun) a cooked shellfish smell.
ontoscent - (noun) a projected smell.
orgottle - (noun) a throbbing scent.
oriose - (noun) a generically sweet and putrid soiled clothing smell.
orphicede - (intransitive and transitive verb) to endure an odor.
orphicene - (noun) the enduring of an odor; (noun) the duration of an odor.
panelamalt - (noun) a malted scent, like in sapodilla.
patinel - (noun) a metallic scent.
pehwoast - (noun) the scent of toast; a toasty scent.
pehwoasted - (adjective) having a toasted or toasty scent; smelling like toast.
peleque - (noun) the piquant smell of burnt hair. (Contributed by Jes Pompei).
pennidebt - (noun) the scent of industrialization.
perfumeality - (noun) the specificity of (a) scent.
perserene - (noun) a peaceful aroma.
perseturn - (noun) the scent of autumn.
perspispummia - (noun) a clammy skin smell like the scent of perspiration on a sunny summer day just as a cool breeze sweeps up, when the air had previously been still for a significant period of time.
peyskar - (noun) a burnt fish aroma.
pillnar - (noun) a ragged scent.
piscament - (noun) a fish market smell.
plastihide - (noun) the old, gummy, dehydrated hide and plastic smells of taxidermy and plastination. Examples: The Mütter Museum, Body Worlds, some art.
pline - (noun) an aroma that is acidic.
pneumaclell - (noun) the seashell scent of clean tartar breath. (Contributed by Jes Pompei).
pneumaclelltine - (adjective) having the seashell scent of clean tartar breath. (Contributed by Jes Pompei).
poaf - (noun) the scent of bread baking.
porveleum - (noun) an oily, petroleum scent.
pottenmall - (noun) the scent of a 1990s food court, which was often a mixture of Cinnabon, Sbarro, Orange Julius, Chinese food, and McDonald's.
princt - (noun) a beguiling scent.
priviplant - (noun) the smell of an aristocratic, corrupt greenhouse (The Big Sleep, La Règle du Jeu).
          From privilege (from Middle English privilege, from Anglo-Norman privilege and Old French privilege, from Latin prīvilēgium [“ordinance or law against or in favor of an individual”], from prīvus [“private”] + lēx, lēg- [“law”]) + plant (from Middle English plante, from Old English plante [“young tree or shrub, herb newly planted”], from Latin planta [“sprout, shoot, cutting”]; broader sense of "any vegetable life, vegetation generally" is from Old French plante; doublet of clan, borrowed through Celtic languages).
profanume - (noun) a profane scent.
profumuent - (noun) a profound scent. 
pruckle - (noun) a pickled aroma.
prunusic - (adjective) smelling of fruit, plants, and flowers in the prunus genus, such as apricots, plums, damsons, peaches, nectarines, cherries, and almonds.
puile - (noun) the scent of oil paint.
punctibrite - (noun) the scent of Lite-Brite.
pungumen - (noun) the pungent scent of the gummy ejaculate from a dehydrated person (ejaculate, like fragrant flowers, has a more concentrated perfume when the human hasn't been watered recently), often featuring a dash of asphalt.
          From pungum (Icelandic indefinite dative plural of pungur ["scrotum, balls," also "a contemptible or obnoxious man or boy"], from Old Norse pungr) + pungent (borrowed from Latin pungens [stem pungent-], present participle of pungo [“to sting”], from Proto-Italic *pungō [with punctus for *puctus after pungō], from Proto-Indo-European *pewǵ- [“prick, punch”]; near cognates include Ancient Greek πυγμή [pugmḗ, “fist”]) + cum (variant of come, attested [in the basic sense "come, move from further to nearer, arrive"] since Old English) + semen (from Middle English semen, from Latin sēmen [“seed”], from Proto-Indo-European *seh₁- [“to sow, to plant," also "to impress, to insert"]) + bitumen (from Latin bitūmen, the latter element is the common suffix -men; the former is from Proto-Indo-European *gʷétu [“pitch”] via an Italic language in which * became b, e.g. Oscan or Umbrian; [the traditional derivation from Celtic is implausible as the related Celtic words—Old Irish beithe, Welsh bedw, and the Gaulish source of Spanish biezo—mean only "birch," not "pitch."]; cognate with Scottish Gaelic bìth [“resin, gum”], English cud, Sanskrit जतु [jatu, “lac, gum”]; influenced by ferrūmen [“cement, glue”]).
punkiflesh - (noun) the watery, punky, gassy scent of fresh fruit and marrow in the gourd genus when cut open, including squash, pumpkin, and zucchini.
punlon - (noun) the metallic smell on your fingers after using a zipper.
pursper - (noun) the ozonic scent at the purple hour in New Mexico.
putriceph - (noun) the historical methanethiol (blood, brains, feces) scent of severed heads placed on pikes during the Reign of Terror in France.
putricephrage - (noun) the historical scent of rage mixed with the methanethiol (blood, brains, feces) scent of severed heads placed on pikes during the Reign of Terror in France.
          From putrid (from Latin putridus [“rotten, decayed, putrid”]) + encephalo (from Ancient Greek ἐγκέφαλος [enképhalos, “within the head”]) + rage (from Latin rabies [“anger, fury”]).
pyriorge - (noun) a fake scent.
quailwhiff - (noun) the smell of being shot by Dick Cheney during a quail hunt.
          From quail (from Middle English quayle, quaile, quaille, from Anglo-Norman quaille, from Late Latin quaccola [“quail”], from uncertain but possibly Proto-Italic *kwakklā, from earlier *kwaktlā, from Proto-Indo-European *kʷóǵ⁽ʰ⁾-tl-eh₂, from *kʷeǵ⁽ʰ⁾- [“to flee”], or perhaps borrowed from cognate Proto-West Germanic *hwahtlā [“quail”]; possible doublet of cōturnīx, cocturnīx [“quail”]; apparently reborrowed back into Proto-West Germanic as *kwattulā; obsolete tertiary meaning: a prostitute [pejorative for "sex worker"], so called because the quail was thought to be a very amorous bird.) + "whiff of grapeshot" (Napoléon Bonaparte's action that marks the end of the French Revolution).
quentionica - (noun) a bitter scent.
ratchern - (noun) a scratchy scent.
rawtelide - (noun) the scent of leather mixed with bills and coins characteristic of a wallet, billfold, or change purse.
redswath - (noun) the blocky red fragrance of rural Arizona.
relosodar - (noun) a recovered scent.
reminesce - (intransitive and transitive verb) to remember a scent.
reminodor - (noun) a scent that reminds one of another scent.
          From remind + odor.
reminose - (transitive verb) to remind one of another scent.
          From remind + nose.
retrectic - (adjective) having a rubbery, stretchy aroma.
reverfumate - (intransitive and transitive verb) to dream of a or in scent.
reverume - (noun) when a scent appears in a dream.
rillilara - (noun) a mesmerizing scent.
rituew - (noun) the scent of frankincense mixed with traditional Ethiopian food, including various vegetable and meat stews and injera.
roadfugue - (noun) the scent of a dusty road after a vehicle has passed.
rositch - (noun) the uniquely rosy, coniferous scent of damask rose pitch (located on the calyx of the flower, rather than on the petals).
rottrione- (noun) the scent of rot.
rutisweyd - (noun) the smell of sweat and sunscreen on others (indexical).
          From rutile (mineral source of titanium dioxide) + sweyd (from sweat, from Middle English swete, swet, swate, swote, from Old English swāt, from Proto-Germanic *swait-, *swaitą, from Proto-Indo-European *swoyd- [to sweat], o-grade of *sweyd- [to sweat]).
sadust - (noun) the hot sawdust and animal scent inside of a big top circus tent.
salinonk - (noun) the salty, chunky, opaque aroma of play-doh.
salsot - (noun) a salty scent.
saltuckle - (noun) a salty pickled aroma like that of kimchi, gherkins, pepperoncini and sauerkraut.
sanguiche - (noun) a raw, fresh flesh and blood aroma (wet).
satinatch - (noun) the rosin grit scent of a ballet studio.
sausscent - (noun) a scent sign (semiotics).
          From Ferdinand de Saussure + scent.
scabire - (noun) a scabby aroma (dry).
scentified - (noun) the meaning of the aromatic form of a scent. See "scentiotics."
          From scent + signified.
scentifier - (noun) the aromatic form of a scent. See "scentiotics."
          From scent + signifier.
scentiosis - (noun) scent sign processes.
          From scent + semiosis (from the Greek: σημείωσις, sēmeíōsis, a derivation of the verb σημειῶ, sēmeiô, "to mark").
scentiotics - (noun) the study of scent sign processes.
          From scent + semiotics.
scintillaroma - (noun) a minute trace of a scent.
seajerry - (noun) a sherry and seaweed scent, characteristic of wakame and its tincture.
septieu - (noun) the scent of medical facilities.
sepulunctum - (noun) a buried scent.
shimmiol - (noun) a shimmering scent.
silvumidus - (noun) the scent of humidity in the forest, particularly in warm or hot weather.
skehupnos - (noun) a hypnotic scent.
sleuctrace - (intransitive and transitive verb) to track down the path or trail of a scent.
smexis - (noun) a smell hexis; the active possession of being in a state of smelling.
sniffitus - (noun) a smell habitus; a social shaping of smell; a socialized way of perceiving, responding to, or behaving around aromas; smellings as shaped by societies and cultures.
snustick - (noun) a sticky scent.
snuzzent - (noun) a fuzzy aroma.
solidorous - (adjective) having a solid smelling aroma.
sopaze - (noun) a sour scent.
sparassotiate - (intransitive and transitive verb) to become high or intoxicated via scent.
sparassotted - (adjective) high or intoxicated via scent.
spectrolora - (noun) the jasmine, gardenia, and purple smell of Disney World's EPCOT at night.
stagnagua - (noun) the scent of stagnant water.
stilluma - (noun) the scent of Manhattan, New York just after the sun has come up.
strangaloom - (noun) a stringy aroma.
strobiss - (noun) a pulsating scent.
sublimume - (noun) a sublime scent or the experience thereof.
sublimumiate - (intransitive and transitive verb) to have a sublime experience of scent.
subterramotease - (noun) New York City subway grease smell (the scent of motor oil mixed with trapped underground aromas).
subtress - (noun) the scent of hair after being submerged in a swimming pool and then drying in the sun.
          From suburbia + submerge + tresses.
suicess - (noun) a scent that is salty and putrid, characteristic of seawater soaked clay that has dried out, sulphur and still air; a smell that is heavy, and hot, evoking a slough with mud flats, cracked earth, birds and flies.
sunnose - (noun) a bright aroma.
suwayewel - (noun) a stolen scent.
swinch - (noun) a sweet vinegar aroma.
swuckle - (noun) a sweet pickled aroma like that of gari and bread and butter pickles.
tainorama - (noun) the open mesic and chilly smell of the sunrise in high altitude southern Utah.
tamptar - (noun) the scent of a freshly dipped and pulled tampon: the once a month aromatic window into the inner smell of organs (provided by the menstruating female body).
tariala - (noun) a tart scent.
tarialaglue - (noun) a glue and tart scent as in certain tree resins.
tarraguckle - (noun) an aromatic and spicy pickled aroma like that of cornichons.
tarsea - (noun) the scent of ocean tar, like the tar seeping up into the sand at Coal Oil Point, Isla Vista, California.
tarvein - (noun) a tart vinegar aroma.
therionea - (noun) a wild, animalic scent.
therioneal - (adjective) of a wild, animalic scent.
thiolpulvis - (noun) the scent of body odor mixed with deodorant.
tlamanaroma - (noun) a gifted scent.
tonkinilla - (noun) a sweet soft plastic aroma as found in manufactured children's toys like Cabbage Patch dolls, My Little Ponies, and Keypers.
topuzum - (noun) a humming scent.
trascensce - (noun) a physically light or faint aroma.
trumpelstiltskin - (noun) the Aquanet and sunburned smell of Donald John Trump.
          From Trump (any playing card given a high ad-hoc rank; a playing card that is elevated above its usual rank in trick-taking games) + Rumpelstiltskin (from German Rumpelstilzchen, believed to derive from an old children's game called Rumpele stilt oder der Poppart, mentioned in Johann Fischart's Geschichtklitterung, or Gargantua [1577], which is a loose adaptation of Rabelais' famous pentalogy La vie de Gargantua et de Pantagruel [1532-1564]).
twibloze - (noun) a cold beach smell (night, rocky).
ullew- (noun) a thick, syrupy smell that hangs in the air physically, or seemingly physically; an occurrence of this.
ullewic - (adjective) having a thick, syrupy smell that hangs in the air physically, or seemingly physically.
ullrous - (adjective) having a syrupy smell.
ullrusqueue - (noun) a syrupy smell.
umuckle - (noun) a savory pickled aroma like that of dill pickles or gherkins, cornichons, kimchi, and sauerkraut.
unnerwesh - (intransitive and transitive verb) to be soothed by a scent.
updamp - (noun) the smell of an attic (damp, cold).
uppercust - (noun) the lactic burnt scent of the milk skin on pudding or custard as it cools.
urnic - (noun) the scent of clothing after being around a campfire; (adjective) having this scent.
uterami - (noun) the meaty uterus smell when sloughed and served upon a sanitary napkin; uterus tartare; female aspic (raw); the ripe inner-outer organ scent when left to macerate between commercial maxi pad and skin for any amount of time; the opaque jelly fragrance when rank, sweet, and exposed to air; the wild aroma this red goo takes on when cultured with bacteria on the skin and clothing.
          From uterus + umami.
vaporsunk - (noun) a warm beach smell (day, sand).
vatlantina - (noun) the smell of vagina ocean: salty, expansive, and basic.
vegeath - (noun) the scent of vegetal death.
velacqueau - (noun) a suave, velvety scent.
vellicoss - (noun) a papery scent.
velvurr - (noun) a velvety scent.
vertigust - (noun) a dizzying aroma.
vesspisce - (noun) the scent of a fishing vessel.
vintrellic - (adjective) vinous smelling.
vintrellis - (noun) a vine or vinous smell.
vitreogob - (noun) the glassy and cool perfume of Concord grapes.
vonch - (noun) a savory vinegar aroma.
waddlelaga - (noun) the scent of fluffy skunk tail rolling in across green fields accompanied by the cool air of coming dusk; named for the eponymous Waddles, who snacked and slept in the garage during summer evenings 2019.
waglosh - (noun) the scent of wet watercolors.
wailunu - (noun) the scent of pre-sunrise mountain mist on Maui mixed with freshly fallen plumeria flowers.
wakenfume - (noun) when a scent awakens one from sleep.
wakenfumate - (intransitive and transitive verb) to awaken from sleep due to a scent.
walaflesh - (noun) the watery but fleshy aroma of watermelon and strawberry.
warminudge - (noun) the scent of cat fur.
weasray - (noun) an enchanting scent.
weizenhum - (noun) a wheat beer semen smell, possibly with hints of plastic bucket.
werepillow - (noun) the smell of a cushiony cat; the smell of a cat when it takes on a cushion or pillow shape.
wheelfat - (noun) the scent of motor oil.
winchen - (noun) a burnt woods smell.
winchenine - (adjective) having a burnt woods smell.
wreckweed - (noun) a hot beach smell (day, rocky).
wubbonea - (noun) the wet clothing smell of dog and the dog smell of wet clothing.
wushlift - (noun) the scent of running water in the natural world, such as a stream, river, brook, or waterfall.
yellair - (noun) the sulphuric hard boiled egg scent of Texas oil fields.
          From yellow + yell + air.
zemon - (noun) an aroma that is zippy or fast smelling.
          From zip + lemon.
zingibrass - (noun) the grassy, dusty, and sweet musk of elephant skin and hair.
zissum - (noun) an effervescent, fizzy, bubbly aroma.
© 2022, Abby Hinsman for Wild Veil Perfume Wild Veil Perfume