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New perfume drop: Zebra. equine couture. stark polarity of clean black and white stripes against a background of dusty hooves, siringet grass, and sundried manure.

Zebra ☽•☾ natural perfume

a l c h e m y ☽•☾
Equine couture. The stark polarity of clean black and white stripes against a background of dusty hooves, siringet grass, and sundried manure. A medley of poo notes on bottom, sweet hay doughnuts midline, and Borneo camphor atop structure the spikey haired beast. With in house extracts of hyraceum, shilajit, patchouli, costus, wild hay, helichrysum grown from seed, and Borneo camphor. Gender neutral but leans masculine.

Photo: zebra, 2023. All photos my own.


© 2023, Abby Hinsman for Wild Veil Perfume.