TODAY'S OFFER: 50% OFF GARDENIA. Wild Veil perfumes with the luxurious gardenia flower (various cultivars). Unparalleled in power and complexity, gardenias smell of custard, tuberose, jasmine, fresh mushrooms, star jasmine, and fresh mango. Use GARDENIA50 at checkout.

Peony Enfleurage June/July 2018, Central Vermont

Organic Peony Enfleurage June/July 2018, Central Vermont. A vegan, organic, handmade, botanical solid perfume produced by hand using the slow artisanal process of cold enfleurage from my family's 36 year old heirloom high fragrance peonies, collected in summer. These peonies are from one of the oldest extant lines, begun over 150 years ago, and on our site they are grown on terrain high in granite and silt. Please note, this is indeed a truly organic peony fragrance-- a rarity. The scent is quite delicate but a sharp and green floral. I have a very limited quantity.
The June/July 2018 vintage is slow blooming on the skin, with a profile of butter lettuce, the comforting sour of homemade mayonnaise, and the watery fibrous membranes inside freshly sliced red bell peppers.
Photo: the Wild Veil heirloom peony gardens.
© 2022, Abby Hinsman for Wild Veil Perfume.