New perfume drop: The Unpierced Forest. First 20 orders can take 50% OFF with PERCEFOREST

PRE-ORDER: The Grower-Perfumer’s Encyclopedia of Smell, Volume 1.

PRE-ORDER: The Grower-Perfumer’s Encyclopedia of Smell, Volume 1. DECEMBER 2024 RELEASE (or sooner). Usual price: $75.00USD.

 ☽•☾  The immediate download is an outline of the book's contents. The full volume will be emailed as a digital file to the customer on or before December 1, 2024.  ☽•☾  

The Grower-Perfumer’s Encyclopedia of Smell, Volume 1:
A problematic reference guide to the scented world. Mostly plants. Some animals. Some in-between and some both.
A partner to the Lexicon of Smell:
As well as to the Language of Smell:

Acronyms and abbreviations:
• WVPG - Wild Veil Perfume Gardens
• WV - Wild Veil
• WVP - Wild Veil Perfume

• Plants and extracts from online catalog,
• In house tinctures
• In house absolutes
• Plants in WVPG Vermont (growing zone 4b)
• Wild plants in old growth forest Vermont
• Plants in WVPG De Luz (growing zone 10b)
• Wild plants De Luz
• Seeds
• Potted plants
• Bulbs, rhizomes, tubers.
• Perfumer's photographs
• Thick description scent encyclopedia of fragrant plants/world with:
       - Botanical binomial name,
       - Alternative names,
       - Etymology,
       - Plant history,
       - Ethnobotany,
       - Mythology and folklore,
       - Toxicity,
       - Nutrients,
       - Cultivars:
                 • Visual description,
                 • Tactile description,
                 • Taste description,
                 • Growth habits,
                 • Growing notes,
                 • Pollinators and other insects,
                 • Scent descriptions:
                        - Living plant
                             • Plant parts
                        - Cured plant
                             • Plant parts
• Notes on methods:
       - Extraction via:
                 • Enfleurage,
                 • Tincture,
                 • Steam distillation,
                 • Curing
       - Method:
       - Plant parts:
       - Charges:
       - Duration:
       - Yield/return:
       - Physical characteristics:
       - Aroma:
       - Note:
       - Fixation:

Copyright Abigail Hinsman, Wild Veil Perfume, 2024. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication or distribution prohibited by intellectual property and copyright laws.