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Starting plumeria enfleurage by cultivar.

Starting plumeria enfleurage by cultivar at the De Luz site. This is my first time enfleuraging plumeria (frangipani) that I have put in the ground, and my first time extracting them by cultivar. In Vermont I had about 20 plants but they were all potted. Going dormant in the winter, they stayed relatively small with only a short 12-18 week growing season. I would enfleurage them all in one corps. Now that I have approximately 50 trees in the ground in growing zone 10b, the possibilities have opened up for year round extraction by varietal. First up: a California variety with strong peach genetics. This flower opens with a ripe peach juice scent in the morning, but by evening the vintage suntan lotion and creamy apricot aromas take over. I can't wait to see how it performs on the enfleurage chassis.
Once my plants are larger, I plan to propagate them with 12+ inch cuttings.
☽•☾ Copyright Abigail Hinsman, Wild Veil Perfume, 2024. All rights reserved. Unauthorized duplication or distribution prohibited by intellectual property and copyright laws.