2020 Hindsight ☽•☾ botanical perfume from long term tinctures
a l c h e m y ☽•☾
Camphor (wild, Borneo)
Dittany of Crete (organic, grown by the perfumer from wild seeds)
Larch (wild Larix laricina, Vermont, harvested by the perfumer)
Frankincense (wild, Soqotra)
Jin Xuan milk oolong (organic, Alishan mountains)
Rose damask (organic, grown by perfumer)
Sarcaucolon mossamedense (wild, Namibia)
Rock musk (cruelty free, wild harvested, Karoo)
2020 Hindsight is a nose-expanding gender neutral fragrance set in organic alcohol. Its arid, animalic hind quarters go swish-swish, roaming milk grass slopes of the Alishan Mountains. On the other side of the pass basins fry low slung succulent flesh under the desert sun. Antigone will identify this vegetable carrion on the outskirts of town. Heart opening botanicals autopsy the chest. Be careful your jubilant rose colored glasses will mesmerize you like Mabuse's eyes.
Suggested fixatives: Conifer, Amber, Mossy, Earthy, Dry. Wild Veil's natural perfume fixatives act as primers for the skin. Applied prior to perfumes, they can extend the longevity of your fragrance.
The Conifer fixative contains stirring and wintry evergreen base notes from my handmade tinctures and absolutes of wild Vermont conifers, with many boughs collected from wild stands in my old growth forest: blue, red, white, black, and Norway spruces; fir balsam; Northern white cedar; white pine; scotch pine; and Eastern hemlock. The blend is a complex, deep green and balsam thanks to the various tree parts I have extracted: bark, boughs, needles, and resin/sap. In the background is the cool, fresh, early spring of brisk forest air scented with sticky sap and the snap of firewood.
The Amber fixative contains classically amber base notes from my handmade resinoids that I extracted from raw, wild resins using organic high proof alcohol. It is warm, powdery, and slightly boozy. Resinous with caramel undertones.
The Mossy fixative contains mossy base notes. It is wet and lush, with whispers of roots and earth.
The Earthy fixative contains earthy base notes. It is green and smoky, with the comforting aroma of wet musk from the depths of the earth.
The Dry fixative possesses dry base notes. It crackles with a warm, subtly smoky aroma, and smooth resins layered over a gently bracing botanical musk.
Photos: plant parachutes in the organic perfume garden at sunset, 5ml and 10ml black violet glass roller ball bottles, liquid perfume in 5ml amber glass.
s i z i n g ☽•☾
Available in a sample size of 1ml (25 drops), which comes in a glass sample vial with applicator. Or choose from larger 3ml, 5ml or 10ml clear glass vials with atomizers. Or a 10ml frosted glass roller ball, convenient for travel. Please make your selection from the menu.
r a w ☽•☾ m a t t e r
Wild Veil natural perfumes are composed by me, Abby, using homemade, wildcrafted and organic aromatics in Vermont. These include my handmade enfleurage, tinctures, enfleurage extraits, absolutes, resinoids and concretes, and floral waxes. I spend as much time growing plants and foraging as I do composing perfumes.
h o w ☽•☾ t o ☽•☾ w e a r
The best way to experience a natural perfume is to apply it to well-moisturized skin, without rubbing in (absorption only shortens the wear time of fragrance) and without scrubbing off. Natural perfumes are dynamic and take a minimum of 2 hours to reach their final stage, or dry down. Enjoy the alchemical changes as they unfold from the initial intensity of top notes, to the warmth of the heart, to the depth of lower base notes.
☽•☾ Wild Veil ☽•☾ alchemy between earth and ether ☽•☾
☽•☾ All aesthetic material copyright Abby Hinsman 2020 ☽•☾