TODAY ONLY: 60% OFF MOSSY SCENTS. Use MOSS60 at checkout. These are Wild Veil fragrances with prominent moss notes, including oak moss, cedar moss, pine moss, spruce moss, fruticose lichen, old man's beard, and evernias. They range from earthy and dirty to powdery and warm, to amber glow, to soft green velvet, to ocean brine.

Milk Oolong Absolute

Milk Oolong Absolute

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Milk Oolong Absolute ☽•☾ organic, handmade by perfumer using the old methods.

Profile: buttery, savory-sweet, gourmand in a way that makes the glands in your lower jaw salivate.

Note: base.

The Milk Oolong Absolute is a Wild Veil natural perfume ingredient made using the old methods of long term tincturing in plantbased, high proof alcohol (food grade ethanol), followed by gentle evaporation to preserve the top notes. Organic.

Available in 1ml and 2ml sizes. Absolute is blackish-green in color. It is a black syrup at room temperature. Refrigerate to preserve freshness.

Photo: absolute in a 10ml glass jar.

☽•☾ Wild Veil never uses heat, steam, or non-organic solvents, all of which can alter the natural aroma profiles of plants ☽•☾