60% OFF the Desert Collection. Wild Veil fragrances with prominent arid notes, evocative of or sourced from desert regions. Use DESERT at checkout.

Collection: Myth

51 products
  • 3 Beggars. natural perfume. eden, sweet waxen blossoms, ambrosia. November 2023
    3 Beggars. natural perfume. eden, sweet waxen blossoms, ambrosia. November 2023
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  • Alone with Dionysus ♉︎ botanical perfume from long term tinctures. blackberries, black raspberries, wormwood, Vermont black spruce and fir, artemisia, bee balm, herbs. October 2023
    Alone with Dionysus ♉︎ botanical perfume from long term tinctures. blackberries, black raspberries, wormwood, Vermont black spruce and fir, artemisia, bee balm, herbs. October 2023
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  • Ambergris Soliflore. natural perfume. Single note ambergris scent. In house extractions of beachcast ambergris. June 2024
    Ambergris Soliflore. natural perfume. Single note ambergris scent. In house extractions of beachcast ambergris. June 2024
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  • Antichrist. natural perfume. haunted moss, narcotic berries, live roots and bloodied thorns. December 2022
    Antichrist. natural perfume. haunted moss, narcotic berries, live roots and bloodied thorns. December 2022
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  • Antigone Outside Thebes. botanical perfume. sororal desert candle, raw grief, rage, exposure. March 2021
    Antigone Outside Thebes. botanical perfume. sororal desert candle, raw grief, rage, exposure. March 2021
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  • Ariadne had a Clew ♉︎ champaca soliflore. vegan solid perfume. red, white, and yellow champa flowers. champak attar. May 2021
    Ariadne had a Clew ♉︎ champaca soliflore. vegan solid perfume. red, white, and yellow champa flowers. champak attar. May 2021
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  • Bastet. natural perfume. botanical kyphi fragrance. October 2023
    Bastet. natural perfume. botanical kyphi fragrance. October 2023
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  • Catacombs. natural perfume. bone, incense, salt of the earth, dust. September 2024
    Catacombs. natural perfume. bone, incense, salt of the earth, dust. September 2024
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