Heavenly Harvest Sale: take 50% OFF scents to phenomenologically suggest the abundance, fullness, and radiance of harvest season. Use HEAVENLYHARVEST at checkout.

The Language of Smell

  • Horbuncle

    horbuncle - (noun) the coarse, pungent, and crusty fecal stench characteristic of a dead horseshoe crab (water arthropod).        I remember being...
  • Soursop - Guanábana - Guyabano

    Annona muricata A wineskin shaped custard apple, green and covered in spikes. Cut in half, it is a white and black butterfly. A giant worthy of s...
  • Banana Magnolia Enfleurage

    Banana Champa Banana Champak Banana Champaca Banana Champaka Michelia figo Magnolia figo  Literally, "in flower," enfleurage is a traditional meth...
  • Fresh Cacao Flesh and Seeds: acloon, custaream and coralime

    The milky sacs of flesh around the seeds give off a fresh and soft passion fruit and plumeria aroma. A sweet flavor like green mango and starfruit....
  • Wild Veil's Gardenia Enfleurage

    Every day fresh blossoms are culled and laid on the pommade (plant based fats and waxes), and spent blossoms are removed. This ancient technique is...
  • "Attar of Roses" Scented Geranium

    Pelargonium graveolens "Attar of Roses" Spicy play-doh, clay and rosewater, sandalwood, cinnamon, lavender musk rose, powdered pink lemonade. There...
  • Lexicon of smell

    It’s well known among people who work in the area of olfaction that the English language is a wasteland when it comes to vocabulary for scent. Th...
  • Balsam fir

    The most overlooked (and perhaps defining) note in Abies balsamea needles is the scent of the starch-based adhesive placed along the interior of e...
  • Tamarind absolute

    Gelatinous, garnet colored, sour and smoky aroma with notes of tree bark and sandy soil. I made this organic extract from long term tincture of Tam...
  • Hyacinth

    Hyacinth (Hyacinthus orientalis) The scent of hyacinth squeaks against your teeth like a green banana skin. It pokes through spring soil as a juic...
  • Parma violets - Viola alba

    Parma violets - Viola alba. The most fragrant of the Viola species, the Parma violet descends from two lines of Viola alba (white violet). It dates...
  • Hyraceum

    Hyraceum . "Africa Stone." Petrified urine and fecal "rock" excreted by the Cape hyrax (Procavia capensis, "dassie," "rock hyrax"). Southern Afric...